Putz and R Pabst, Elsevier G m b H, M u n i c hįoreign Editions: Arabic Edition Modern Tec h n ical Center, Damascus C h i nese Edition (com plex characters) H o - C h i Book Publishing Co, Taiwan Chin ese Edition ( s i m plified Chi nese edition I Elsevier, Health Sci ences Asia, Singapore Croatian Edition Na klada Slap, Jastrebarsko Dutch Edition Bohn Stafleu van Loghum, Houten E n g lish Edition (with nomenclature i n Eng lish) Atlas of Human Anatomy Lippi ncott Willi a m s & Wilki ns English Edition (with nomenclature i n Latin) Atlas of Human Anatomy Elsevier GmbH, Urban & Fischer French Edition Atlas d'Anatomie Humaine Tec & Doc Lavoisier, Paris Greek Edition (with nomenclature i n Greek) Maria G, Parissianos, Ath e n s Greek E d i t i o n (with nomenclature i n Latin) Maria G. Putz and R Pabst, U rban & Fischer Verlag,Ģ2nd Edition: 2006, editors R. Staubesand 20th Edition: 1993, ed itors R. Ferner and J, Stau besand 18'h Edition: 1982, e ditors H. Becher 16'h Edition: 1967, editor H Becher 17'h Edition: 1972, editors H. F, Leh m a n n s Ve rlag, M u nich 12'h_20'h Editi on: 1948-1993 Urban & Schwarzenberg, M u n i c h 13'h Edition: 1953, e d i t o r H Becher 14'h Edition: 1956, editor H, Becher 15'h Edition: 1957, ed itor H. Lehmanns Verlag, M unich 2nd_ll 'h Edition: 1913-1944 J. This atlas was founded by Johannes Sobottat, former Professor of Anatomy and Director of the Anatomical Institute of the U niversity of Bonn, Germa ny, German Editions:ġ" Edition: 1904-1907 J. Printed in Germany I S B N-13: 978-8-3 I S B N - l 0: 8-8 Current information by a nd www Andrea Richarz I llustrators: Ulrike Brugger, M u n ich Rud iger H i m melhan, Heidelberg Horst Run, M u n i c h H e n riette R i ntelen, Velbern Book production: Renate Ha usdorf, Munich Com posed by: Typodata, M u n i c h Printed and bound by: A p p l, Wem d i n g Cover design: Carsten Tsc hirner, M u n i c h Printed o n N opacoat 115 g Dorothea H e n nessen Alexa nder Gattnarzik Dr.

med S a m m y Bedoui, H a nnover Editorial staff a t Elsevier: Dr. The 1 4'h edition of the Sobotta Atlas consists of two volumes and a booklet conta i n i n g tables (enclosed in Volume 1): Volume 1: Head, Neck, Upper Limb Volume 2: Trunk, Viscera, Lower L i m b Urban & Fischer Verlag is a n imprint of Elsevier G m b H 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 09Īll rights, including translation, are reserved N o part of this p u b lication may be reproduced, stored i n a retrieval system, or transm itted in a ny other form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher. īibliographic information published by Die Deutsche Bibliothekĭie Deutsche Bib liothek lists this publication in the Deutsche National bibliog rafie detailed bibliographic data is available in the I nternet at ddb.d eĪll rights reserved 14'h edition 2006 ©2006 Elsevier G m b H, M un ic h Reinhard Pabst Leiter der Abteilung Fu nktionelle und Angewandte Anatomie Medizinische Hochschule H a n n over Carl-Neu berg-Strafle 1 30625 H a n n over Germany e-mail: pabst. R e i n h a rd Putz Vorstand des Anatomischen I nstituts der Ludwig- Maximilian s - U n iversitat Pettenkoferstrafle 11 80336 Munchen Germany e-mail: rei n i Professor D r. Sobotta Atlas of Human Anatomy Volume 1 Head, N eck, U pper Li m bĬorrespondence and feedback should be addressed to:Įlsevier G m b H, Urban & Fischer Verlag, Department for Medical Student Info rmation, Alexa nder Gattn a rzik, Karlstrafle 45, 80333 Munich, Germany e - m a i l: medizinstudi u lsevier.d e Volume 1 Head, Neck, Upper Limb 14th edition, newly editedħ27 colour plates with 1070 figures Booklet (tables of muscles, joints and nerves)